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    Evaluación de los recursos pesqueros demersales del Mediterráneo

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    Get abundance indices of groundfish demersales species. Get the size structure of commercially exploited stocks. Collection of biological material. Prospecting deep zones.Get physical-chemical parameters of water in the study area.

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    Get abundance indices of groundfish demersales species. Get the size structure of commercially exploited stocks. Collection of biological material. Prospecting deep zones.Get physical-chemical parameters of water in the study area.

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    1. To test the sledge TST- HORUS and the methodology based on the identification and quantification of Nephrops burrows in order to estimate the Nephrops abundance using underwater images. 2. To obtain estimates of Nephrops borrows density 3. To obtain estimates of macro benthos density 4. To collect ancillary information on the occurence of trawl marks on sea bed 5. To collect sediment samples 6. To collect biological data on infauna 7. To obtain oceanographic data using a sledge mounted CTD

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    1. To obtain estimates of Nephrops burrows densities in the Gulf of Cádiz from a randomized isometric grid of UWTV stations spacing 4 nautical miles using the underwater images. 2. To define the Nephrops distribution in the Gulf of Cádiz 3. To obtain density estimates of megafauna species and the occurrence of trawl marks on the sea bed 4. To measure oceanographic variables using a sledge mounted CTD 5. To prospect circalittoral and bathyal areas witihout trawling activity 6. Sea bed morphological and backscatter analyses

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    1. To obtain estimates of Nephrops burrows densities in the Gulf of Cádiz from a randomized isometric grid of UWTV stations spacing 4 nautical miles using the underwater images. 2. To define the Nephrops distribution in the Gulf of Cádiz 3. To obtain density estimates of bentho-demersal macrofauna species 4. To calibrate bentho-demersal macrofauna observed in the underwater videos and those obtained in the beam trawl. 5. To obtain and the occurrence of trawl marks on the sea bed 6. To measure oceanographic variables using a sledge mounted CTD 7. To collect sediment samples 8. To prospect circalittoral and bathyal areas without trawling activity 9. Sea bed morphological and backscatter analyses

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    - To obtain estimates of Nephrops densities through underwater videos with photogrammetric sled. - To obtain estimates of Nephrops burrows dendity. - To delimit the distribution of Nephrops in the Gulf of Cádiz. - To obtain estimates of bento-demersal macrofauna density present in the Nephrops fishing ground. - To calibrate bentho-demersal macrofauna observed in the underwater videos and those obtained in the beam trawl. - To prospect non-draggable areas of the circalitoral and batial to know the state of the bottom and the presence of commercial resources. - To gather complementary information on the action of the trawl gear in the seabed. - Oceanographic data collection. - Morphological analysis and acoustic response of the substrate through data acquisition bathymetry and reflectivity, as well as very high resolution seismic profiles of areas already prospected or pending to prospect. - To collect of sediment samples for sedimentological and community characterization of endofauna. - To explore the Portuguese continental margin of the Gulf of Cádiz near the Spanish border in relation to the continuity of the distribution of Nephrops and characterization seabed.

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    OBJECTIVES: - Acquisition of underwater videos with TRISION photogrammetric sled. - Obtain density estimates of Norway lobster burrows from underwater images. - Obtain density estimates of species of the megafauna and benthic and demersal macrofauna present in the Norway lobster fishing grounds from underwater images. - Gather complementary information on the action of trawling gear on the bottom and garbage. - Oceanographic data collection. - Taking sediment samples.

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    1-Evaluación del estado de las poblaciones de peces y cefalópos en el infralitoral rocoso (Subprograma PC1, Encomienda EEMM) 2-Evaluación del estado de las comunidades bentónicas en el infralitoral rocoso (Subprograma HB1, Encomienda EEMM) 3-Evaluación del estado de las especies protegidas bentónicas en el infralitoral rocoso (Subprograma HB6, Encomienda EEMM)

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    1. To obtain estimates of Nephrops burrows densities in the Gulf of Cádiz from a randomized isometric grid of UWTV stations spacing 4 nautical miles using the underwater images. 2. To define the Nephrops distribution in the Gulf of Cádiz 3. To obtain density estimates of bentho-demersal macrofauna species and the occurrence of trawl marks on the sea bed 4. To calibrate bentho-demersal macrofauna observed in the underwater videos and those obtained in the beam trawl. 5. To measure oceanographic variables using a sledge mounted CTD 6. To prospect circalittoral and bathyal areas without trawling activity